Being Citybroke is about perspective. It’s about seeing glitter in the gutter and a sense of humor when life is giving you everything you don’t exactly want and you’re hanging on for a dream that you sometimes can’t remember.
It’s not sales or survival - it’s an electronic letter from the trenches. It’s what suits who make $60K in at age 24 can’t even imagine. It’s Freedom. It’s Poverty. It’s Broken. It’s Beautiful.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

You're Cheap - Frame Yourself

Found some cool vintage photos in your grandmother's basement? Finally hit up the artists on Union Square and scored a hip print? Your frame should never cost more than the art in it - so for those of us who consider a $50 painting splurging, get online and check out the American Frame website. In a step-by-step process pick out your frame color, size, design, measure your mat and glass - all for usually under $30 including delivery. (For those who don't know, going to a frame shop can cost you hundreds.) The frame (unless very large) is delivered almost assembled and just requires you do twist a few screws.

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