Being Citybroke is about perspective. It’s about seeing glitter in the gutter and a sense of humor when life is giving you everything you don’t exactly want and you’re hanging on for a dream that you sometimes can’t remember.
It’s not sales or survival - it’s an electronic letter from the trenches. It’s what suits who make $60K in at age 24 can’t even imagine. It’s Freedom. It’s Poverty. It’s Broken. It’s Beautiful.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

BeaconGate leaves Facebook Users Annoyed and Nervous about Recent Online Purchases.

How would you like it if all your friends on Facebook were notified that you ordered a yoga kit and slippers on I bet you would feel violated wouldn't you? Well, it's already happening. Facebook is posting your activity on 3rd party websites in your newsfeed - right now - at this very moment! Operation Beacon is in full effect. Actually, it's probably just in Beta targeting a few poor bastards who have stopped online shopping or thinking...However,
"Many users considered it more of an unholy alliance. One member complained of a spoiled Christmas after Facebook broadcast the person's purchases on (OSTK), a partner site. Other users said they were creeped out after friends learned of actions they never realized were forwarded to their Facebook lists."

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