Being Citybroke is about perspective. It’s about seeing glitter in the gutter and a sense of humor when life is giving you everything you don’t exactly want and you’re hanging on for a dream that you sometimes can’t remember.
It’s not sales or survival - it’s an electronic letter from the trenches. It’s what suits who make $60K in at age 24 can’t even imagine. It’s Freedom. It’s Poverty. It’s Broken. It’s Beautiful.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Party at the Natural History Museum Tonight

Taxidermied animals + Mark Zuckerberg + Dinosaur skeletons + DJ + cool planet/star show + birthday girl + drinks + fun people already attending/ $20 admission = a good call.
Hey, I'm going! (...anyone want to share a cab home?)
Friday, November 30, 2007 at 9:00pm
American Museum of Natural History
81st St. and Central Park West
Check it out

Garlic. Healthy & Cheap.

You probably aren't as health-minded now as you will be later in life. Hey - it's expensive! Fancy organic food is pricey and it's hard to not have fresh food go bad in your NYC fridge with an unpredictable schedule. (and happy hour specials, sponsored parties and generous friends with smokes make vice affordable) So - try and eat some garlic whenever you can because a garlic-rich diet protects against various cancers. And do it the right way:

"Many home chefs mistakenly cook garlic immediately after crushing or chopping it, added Dr. Kraus. To maximize the health benefits, you should crush the garlic at room temperature and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. That triggers an enzyme reaction that boosts the healthy compounds in garlic."

Why isn't there a better alternative to Facebook?

Reasons I am ready to quit FB:

1) Too many people I don't want in my "face." I don't want people I work with in my "social network." I don't want my family and family friends seeing the profiles of my kooky New York friends. Facebook is mixing too many worlds. Good for FB's # of users bad for me.
2) Agressive ads. I hate the Volvo ads in my news feed. I hate the newsfeed JPeg of Gwen Stefani with the caption, "Hey, want to help me design something cool on" [It's funny though, they can't target me that well because I didn't select a gender so I get neutered ads.] With their total costs-to-ad sales ratio I think they can make some effort to not be complete ad-whores when their users are their only real asset.
3) I've outgrown it. The fun of Facebook was the photos and finding people and there doesn't seem to be anyone I want to find or stalk so, where can I get an online network that is basically an online switchboard where you friend people you know and have access to people you've already friended?
4) It's getting creepy. I'm talking about the Boomers. With all these companies joining and old people sending each other martinis - it's becoming a strange massive reunion where a VP at my company probably sees when I friend someone or change my status. One Boomer agrees - read Daniel Lyons "Party Crashers on" (not available on FDC *!#*@ so refer to the Globe & Mail who republished it)

I Suspect Barack may have a Billionaire Backer in his corner.

Bloomie and Barack had a casual coffee this morning in NYC. So if Mike Bloomberg isn't going to be president he's committed to making sure no other New York politicians get to either.

The caption for this pic ought to be:
"Listen B, I'll give you some dough if I get to use Airforce One when I need it." Read more from AP.

Facebook chunk bought by the Richest Man in China.

Li Ka-Shing is the Bill Gates of Asia and now they both have a piece of Facebook. East and West meet inside Mark Zuckerburg's dark empire. Read more about the 60mil buy in.
Read more about Li
I'm pretty damn sure this Wiki entry was written by someone in his coporate com dpt:
"In spite of his wealth, Li has a reputation for leading a no-frills lifestyle, and is known to wear simple black dress shoes and an inexpensive Seiko wristwatch. Li is also regarded as one of Asia's most generous philanthropists, donating over $1 billion USD to date to charity and other various philanthropic causes. [5]
Li is often referred to as "Superman" in Hong Kong because of his business prowess."
"Superman?" I think I am going to take some time today to write my own wiki profile.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Hello, babies.

Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.”
-From Vonnegut's Godbless you, Mr. Rosewater

Speaking of voting...

This year I am going to vote. Last night I was at dinner with Aleks-ON-dra and it suddenly occurred to me that I ought to vote this year, BUT how? I had announced my decision out of nowhere and [accidently revealing she doesn't read my delicious blog] she was shocked. I asked her how to "vote" and she said I register at a Post office and then go to my precinct and have my say on election day. Sounds easy. I'll keep you all posted.

XO The Patriot

I Vote for New California

Someone I wish I was related to has posted a statement on The Cronus Connection (no, I've never heard of it but I like it) proposing Americans start our own country composed of only the Blue States, and call it New California (nice). My favorite parts:

  • "You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches.
  • We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
  • We get the Statue of Liberty. You get OpryLand.
  • We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
  • You will have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans
  • 38 percent of Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale
  • 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws
  • 44 percent say that evolution is only a theory
  • 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11
My only question...where would we get our Wild Turkey, KFC, Waffle House, and grits? I guess I'll have to renew my passport. For the full awesome rant go here: Dear Red States

Tips Please...

I was getting a bunch of new tips a day and not so much any more. We can't do our jobs unless you do them for us. Please submit happy hours, cheap restaurants, ways to steal (legally,) upcoming concerts etc.

Cabelas Outfitter?

is the "World's Foremost Outfitter" that you and I have never heard of. It has some sweet deals on North Face gear. This Women's Apex Bionic Jacket is 89 bucks instead of $129. It has other good stuff at clearance prices in its bargain cave. Remember, if you don't "trust" the site, use AMEX.

iDesktop.TV - Youtube Content with a Better User Experience.

Check out Stomping Grapes iDesktop.TV Style. Thoughts?
You are also able to download videos, but I am too lazy to register. Impending copyright infringement issues? Methinks yes. Free movies, tv shows and clips in my future? Most definitely. Crimedog - stop harassing iSave! What do you think of this naughty site?!

Where are all those Give-one-Get-one Laptops headed?

"An OLPC spokeswoman said that donated laptops would be headed to countries such as Afghanistan, Rwanda, Cambodia, Haiti, and Mongolia--places that generally couldn't afford big laptop giveaways."
Hmm... read more
donate. Your $400 - and you "get one" of the computers - is tax deductible. I think there is a good chance I object to this, BUT I suppose if you can right off paying to attend a white tie gala you ought to be able to write off a $200 computer.

The New Yorker plagiarized The Far Side?!

That's like the Valedictorian cheating off the guy who is chewing on his tongue in the back of class. Except, I love the Far Side. Note to friends (and the readers who worship my blogging style) - I would like a Far Side Desk Calendar for xmas.

ABC News launches a Presidential Match-o-matic

Have you budgeted about 45 seconds of real hard thought to deciding who you will vote for for president? Have I got the online survey tool for you! Match-o-matic atcually tells you who to vote for based on a series of slanted questions. Take the survey and let someone else half-decide for you.

Who is Mike Huckabee?

He's the former governor of Arkansas and he dominated the Republican debate last night. The Note will catch you up on how everybody did in the "debate."

Watch this Chuck Norris/Huckabee video!
Huckabee: "My plan for securing the border, two words: Chuck Norris."
Things you might not know already:
- He lost 100 lbs as guvnah and lead an anti-obesity campaign. His book, "Stop Digging Your Grave With a Knife and Fork," sold fewer copies than anticipated.
- He's a self-described "paradoxical Republican." He's in a "rockband," is an evangelical Christian, is very pro-life, very pro tax cuts, and very pro-social programs. Basically Steve Forbes + Chuck Norris + Jimmy carter + the lead singer of Creed (I don't remember his name and you probably don't either)
This dude is doing to spice things up.

BeaconGate leaves Facebook Users Annoyed and Nervous about Recent Online Purchases.

How would you like it if all your friends on Facebook were notified that you ordered a yoga kit and slippers on I bet you would feel violated wouldn't you? Well, it's already happening. Facebook is posting your activity on 3rd party websites in your newsfeed - right now - at this very moment! Operation Beacon is in full effect. Actually, it's probably just in Beta targeting a few poor bastards who have stopped online shopping or thinking...However,
"Many users considered it more of an unholy alliance. One member complained of a spoiled Christmas after Facebook broadcast the person's purchases on (OSTK), a partner site. Other users said they were creeped out after friends learned of actions they never realized were forwarded to their Facebook lists."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Buy 10 of these on your way home.

You won't be sorry. These little babies (3 bucks each) get rid of stains...magically. If you have a problem with constantly getting penmarks, coffee-stains, beer-wine-vodka&mixer stains, on your clothes - then this is a wise and frugal investment. Keep one in your desk, purse and boot. (I do.)

Steal Music and Avoid the Slammer.

TechCrunch has a sweet article today talking about how music search engines offer the benefit of Napster or Limewire and non of the liability.
"[Content] is distributed on servers unaffiliated with the search engine itself, making it effectively impossible for the RIAA and its international equivalents to do much about it other than try to force the largest infringers to remove the content."
Suckas! Check out the article. It also lists the best sites to nick music from.

Have any friends with imaginary relationships involving celebrities or emotionally unavailable boyfriends? See below.

The Onion

Woman Mentally Breaks Up With Colin Farrell

MERCER, PA-Heather Lentz's 11-month imaginary romance with bad-boy heartthrob Colin Farrell has ended, the 25-year-old paralegal announced Monday.

Slappy? Swanny? Swanson?...

Samsonite! ...I was way off.
It's travel time and this is a sweet deal on real Samsonite goods (durable - not fancy - like the Hilary Swank of luggage. No need to embarass yourself and fellow travelers with your troubled little carryon roller. This delicious cherry red set retails at $220 but you can get it delivered to your apt for $104 with all this discounts. Check it out!
$20 off $120 + Free Shipping coupon code ENTBK0625 it drops to $129.99 (and spares you $14 shipping). Then, if you pay via Paypal you will get 20% cash back on your purchase (deposited automatically into your Paypal account before 1/31/08). You also get a free $25 certificate valid on a future $75 order.
Check out Brads Deals

Happy Holidays, Now Stop Sharing

I had a post recently about sharing music – and it was brought to my attention by our readers (they do exist) that this is quite illegal. They are obviously, painfully, it’s-been-all-over-the-news-for-the-last-five-years correct. Obviously, as I mentioned, I’m stuck in the days of mix-tape sharing (also illegal!). Yes, I do buy albums, actually probably more than most people. BUT, I also like learning about new bands that my friends are into through, um, can I use this word?, sharing. I think most bands would be pleased to know that what they’ve created, their art, is being absorbed, talked about, and passed along – that they have started a discussion and made enough of an impact on the thick-sculled, rule-following kids out there that they actually got up off their lazy asses and shared something they enjoyed. I might not pay the $.99 it would cost to buy a Hold Steady song from iTunes, but my friend loaned me the album from his computer, made into a fan, and now I’ll buy their next album, and attend a concert. Don’t worry, I’ll do my part in making sure our musicians don’t go hungry. Which makes me ask the mp3 police out there, what have you done lately?

PS - And, yes, I altered my previous headline

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Johnny has to look just right.

This Thanksgiving, the youtube hit of the weekend was John Edwards styling his hair. Check it out.

On top of this viral embarrasment, John Edwards made mazillions of dollars as a personal injury attorney in North Carolina. I can't even imagine the publicist mastermind who could get this knucklehead back in the ring. Rovey? Dick Morris? He'll need the A-Team and he can afford them.
Seriously, Guy? I'll look the other way when you pay $600 for a haircut, but there is no way you are getting anywhere near the Whitehouse [even as VP or special style advisor] with this footage on the loose. How did he not see the camera? Is it just me or is Pumping Iron somehow less damning?

This is a good gift for a clever 20 something.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2 (2005)
$39.99 on
Clips for Fans and non-believers.
Pirate "Well look, are we going to talk about pirates all day or are we going to find out who lives in there?"
Day Man "Day Man, you are the master of karate, Day Man."

Your sidekick flies free on VA (or just get 25% off)

Virgin America coupon: Second passenger flies free with round-trip purchase
At Virgin America, buy a select round-trip flight in the main cabin and get a second ticket (also in main cabin) on the same flight for free via coupon code "DIGGNATION". It's the best such offer we've seen from Virgin America, although we've seen a 25% off coupon (still active). Flights must be booked by December 7 for travel between November 26, 2007 and March 19, 2008.
Virgin America coupon: 25% off select flights
Virgin America takes 25% off select flights in the main cabin via coupon code "ELEVATE25". That's the best percent-off discount we've seen from this airline. Flights must be booked by December 7 for travel between December 7th and March 19.

Monday, November 26, 2007

No Shame in Being a New York Tourist

If you're like most New Yorkers you've probably never gone to the top of the Empire State Building, visited the Statue of Liberty, or ridden one of those double decker buses. Consider a whirl-wind tour of your home-city with the New York Pass, and save money doing activities you always promise yourself you'll do - but put off until Grandma comes to town. The prices start at $67 for one day (extreme tourists out there can book up to a 7 day pass with prices up to $160). The price may seem steep - but your pass gets you in free to dozens of attractions that are pretty expensive.

I added up a few places on the New York Pass list (about what you would cover with the $67 one day pass) to see how much they would cost on their own:

  • American Museum of Natural History: $15
  • Bodies: The Exhibition: $27.50
  • Bronx Zoo: $14
  • Carnegie Hall Tour: $10
  • Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises: $25
  • Empire State Building: $17
  • MOMA: $20
That is $128.50! So sack up and take a day to get to know your city.

iShare - It's Illegal but Good for the Environment

I admit it. I'm an MP3 whore and I love sloppy seconds when it comes to getting free music. Maybe I'm still stuck in mix tape-land, but I will never get over sharing music. This is why every time I go to someone's house I quickly ask if I can take music off their iTunes. Recently my iPod broke and I had to restore is, so of course I was stuck with the four albums I actually own (which includes Fleetwood Mac -ugh!).

Don't let this musical tragety happen to you! After you shamelessly take music from friends, use a great program called iPod Rip to actually move songs from your iPod to your iTunes (reverse download). You do have to buy the program, but only after about 15 free uses - so take a few months, gather your music like a squirrel with nuts before winter, and then greedily make it all yours.

Check it out here:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Get Gas and Go

I'm leaving the concrete jungle today and heading to the woods of Vermont (hense the last post). Now that I am driving and gas prices actually affect me, I seem to care a bit more. So I googled gas prices and found this great site, Just type in your state and you are directed to a list of where to find the cheapest gas prices. On a side note, gas in New York is around $3.15, and, guess what, that means nothing to me since I have no idea if that is up or down from a month ago!

My #1 Go-To Site for All Things Outdoorsy

Sierra Trading Post is a great site for discounted outdoor gear, travel equipment, socks, t-shirts, shoes and other random, "outside" things. I have been ordering from them for years - everything from backpacks to sunglasses. So if you're the an indoor kid looking to loose the urbanite sensitivity, this is the perfect place to get all the gear to brave nature. For extra savings check out their Bargain Barn.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fly Virgin America.

An officemate is raving about Virgin America. Plush seating, mood lighting, on-demand TV and this is coach we're talking about. See her all-business email below.
Hey—don’t know if you heard about this, but my roommate just flew to LA on virgin America, and she was raving about everything! and, she told me that you can earn a free flight in as few as 4 roundtrips. Check it out…I think you will likey.

Thanks, K!

In case you didn't care about the writer's strike before...

Have you been following the writers strike? “Yeah, Family Guy, the last episode was, like, so bad they’re not going to write any more until the writers are back.” —Marcus Carl Franklin

...You can stop caring now.

Comment = Beer

We know people read our blog, but we want comments. If you write an interesting contributing comment you get 1/2 beer. If you write one that sparks many interesting comments you get a whole beer.

The beer for comments program is for a limited time. Emphasis on interesting or at least useful or funny comments.

Flex Spending Accounts Visual Health coverage policies are the Insured persons carte blanche and Insurance companies' unforeseen expense

Fact Health Insurers discourage insured people from taking advantage of their benefits by making it almost impossible to understand what their benefits are. They do this by constantly changing policies and making what should be a simple "you're covered" proposition to an "if A then B unless G or Q or preexisting condition" then "you're screwed."
Consequently, many people are concerned that a medical visit could have unforeseen costs so they stay away from the doctor and insurer's expenses go down.
Ah-HA! Sweet Revenge. Most companies now offer Flex Spending accounts. While these seem to be great for insurers and the companies who buy the insurance, these are actually being abused all the time because covered parties can buy as many boxes of contacts or pairs of $500 Chanel eye glasses as they want. (Not surprisingly, I have never heard of anyone draining their FSA for an extra root canal. Veneers or whitening, most likely if they could - they would.)
Lenscrafters is a major retailer that has a Google ad that simply reads "FSA Lenscrafters.Use your flexible spending account at LensCrafters before it expires." Click through and it takes you to their FSA web page that encourages you to use up the rest of your money on an extra set of glasses.
I bet Insurance companies will catch on to how they are beefing up retail eye glasses companys' bottom lines and do one of 2 things: change visual coverage in a scary way or start buying up eye glass shops. After all, a problem is an opportunity upside down. The markup on contacts and eye glasses is a profit margin their stockholders will appreciate.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving is for Lovers.

Thanksgiving is a time to get together with your family and overeat. I love T-Day because...
- I get to dress up in velvet and shiny plaid.
- I get to drink alcohol provided by family/friends.
- I smell festive smells like cinnamon, matches, stuffing and the Banana Republic Holiday candle.
- I get to eat leftovers on Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
- I get to rage the Wednesday before Thanksgiving with persons from my youth.
- I get to watch or engage in one wild scuffle.
- I get to remember why it's a comfort to come home and a luxury to fly away.
Also noteworthy: Holiday reruns, football games & the fact that most everything about this weekend is FREE.

Harvard MBA's invade Wall Street. Translation: SELL!

Thinking of investing? Think again. Buy the durable good instead. See below.

"When 10% or less of a graduating class take Wall Street jobs, it's a long-term buy signal. When 30% or more take market sensitive Wall Street jobs, it's a big flashing sell signal.
When we noted first this story, 37% of the class of 2006 had gone to market sensitive Wall Street positions. This year's number was even higher--40%. Meanwhile, following the trend of recent years, the average number of months of work experience of HBS grads slipped from 52 to 50."

5 Great Beauty Gifts for 5 Types of Chicks

1. The Fake. She tans in a bed, wears makeup everywhere she goes and always looks like she just had a blow-out. For the high maintenance babe in your life, get a set of these industrial strength lip plumpers. $52 for the duo that would be $76 separately. She'll like love you forever!

2. The Intellectual. Julie Delpy and Catherine Deneuve are her idea of feminine beauty. She likes to look sophisticated and intriguing at once. The best way to achieve this? Wear makeup that is literally confusing to guys. Why is her eye makeup messy? How is her skin so white? A perfect Pick to perplex? Chanel's new Creme Gloss Lumiere ($32). I bought it and I love because it looks like lipstick, but goes on like gloss - the effect is very film noir.

3. The Jock. She loves working out and playing sports and that's really super. She needs something easy that makes her more fem than she actually is. How about veneers?-I kid. Seriously, you should get her something that will make her smell nice. A scented safety for the only girl who can manhandle you: Stella smells yummy and with 4 individual vials ($35) she'll have 2 for the gym and 2 for the firing range locker.

4. The Nice Girl. She isn't sarcastic. She is always polite. She matches more often than not. A total keeper. Say I-am-totally-in-like-with-you with Philosphy's Amazing Grace layering kit ($55) . She'll smell as sweet and pleasant as she really is. I actually keep a little bottle in my purse for after work (or during work) drinks. If you want to impress her family, try this set in Pure or Falling in Love. Ha!

5. The Party Girl. Everything is better when she's around. She likes to party and have a laugh whenever possible. Help her keep up the good times with 3 of Prada's in-purse perfume. ($65) There's no excuse for staying in when smelling delicious is this easy.

23 & Me. Send in your Saliva and we'll decode your DNA.

It's true. Today, Sergey Brin’s wife Anne Wojcicki launched a business where for $999 you can find out what kind of heat your 23 chromos are packing. Are you chubby, anxious, bad at memorization or lactose intolerant because of your genes? Or, are you just a whiner? The next step is allowing couples to merge their DNA and come up with some 46Chrom hypotheticals. Intriguing...Check it out. This might be the perfect gift for the hypochondriac in your life. Gattaca, here we come!

Fancy Toothpaste!

The different brands they come and go and I have tried them all. Mentadent, arm&hammer, rembrandt, vanillamint crest...I've done the field work and I am now loyal to one tube - forever! Marvis leaves your mouth feeling super clean and fresh. The design is cute, too. For your very broke friends a collection of great toiletries such as this would make a fancy-looking and very practical gift.

Don't Let Lunch Eat Away at Your Wallet

Advice? Pack your lunch people! I did some simple calculations and if you're a constant eater-outer, you don't want to know what I figured out. Let's say you buy your lunch every day for $8 (which, for most New Yorkers, is cheap). That means in one year your will have spent $1,920 just on lunch. I pack my lunch, which I figure costs about $3 a day, which saves me on average $1,200 a year.

$1,200. Use it to take a $200 cooking class and get packing!

WGA Strike: As UNinspiring as most of the #*%@*! they write for TV.

You'll remember last week how excited we were about the screen writer's strike. We had great expectations for staged scenes of moving defiance or perhaps studio golf carts bulldozing picketers. Alas, such is not the case. Considering how NOT entertaining this has been and how badly the WGA has communicated their goals, I'd say most of these guys need to get new jobs. New York magazine's "Writers' Strike Starting to Get Kind of Depressing" is about as damning to the cause as is the fact the late night numbers are significantly up as since the strike began and reruns supplanted fresh funny daily trivialities. The worst for me, someone who doesn't give a damn either way, is that the the whole thing has been so boring. What's the crisis? Who's the bad guy? Who's the hero? Why? Why? Why?
Watch and learn.
- This boring video (by strikers) explains what's goin' on.
- A real studio exec explains why writers are greedy.
- a disillusioned writer critiques the union and the strike their Why we fight video.
- This "Office" writer puts together a very boring solidarity video of the strike.
If they are saying that the Internet is where the future of entertainment is and they want a piece of the action, why aren't they all creating their own content on a proprietary video channel like and really giving execs a run for their money?!! If they are the uber-irreplaceable human capital they claim they are, why aren't they making their own competitive business model? Maybe it has to do with the fact that as a member of the WGA they have the best benefits package in the developed world. Striking out as entrepreneurs jeopardizes their cozy club that allows them to make a kick-ass living doing what they love. I'd be on their side IF they were more creative, took more risks and really embraced an artist empowered business model like WILCO, Radiohead, and Oasis have done in the music industry. And, at the end of the day, most TV still sucks, and studio or no studio, that means a lot of writers do, too.
Here are a few sparks of brilliance you ought to watch:
- Leave it the guys over at the Colbert Report to come up with this short of a studio exec who tries to finally set the record straight about the strike"because guess who writes the news, guys? Writers. They control the media."
- "Not the Daily Show" Update which was pretty good and dare I say, actually made me care about the writer's cause?

Think I'm being to harsh? Really? Why?

Friday, November 16, 2007

NY Mag listings are available by text!

Now you can text GONYC (46692) for exclusive access to New York Magazine's restaurant and bar listings on your mobile phone. You’ll receive up to twelve matching listings per search, and they'll send you three results at a time. You can reply MORE to see all results. Learn how.

Get your Chistmas Shopping done for Cheap with tons of online discount coupons and codes. NOW.

This has basically every Friends and Family coupon known to man… Enjoy! Forward to your friends with this easy link: CityBroke Deals
Thanks, K!
Stila cosmetics warehouse
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Dem Debate Highlights - Hill Got Tag-Teamed - but ended up on top of the pile.

Political debates are like high school dances. There are a bunch of people on the floor, but everyone has their eye on the cool-kid prom court. At last night's Fight, it was Hill, Barack and Johnny that tangoed and tangled while others looked on.

Hill demanded in the debate that "other" Dems stop “throwing mud” and adopting tactics “right out of the Republican playbook.”
Johnny accused Hill of defending a system “that is rigged and is corrupt." Later Barack said, “What the American people are looking for right now is straight answers to tough questions, and that is not what we’ve seen out of Senator Clinton on a host of issues, on the issue of driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.” Read More LA Times

Thursday, November 15, 2007

West Village Gem - Authentic Italian for Lessa Money.

The owners of Inoteca on the LES have a little known sister restaurant in the West Village. Not too busy, very reasonable and totally cosy. Even Martha Stewart likes it:"It's tiny, it's delicious, it's 'ino. The sandwiches here are delicious, in fact they're my favorite sandwiches." Now that's a good thing!

Panini's start at $9 and brunch is $12.
Thanks, Foodista!
Ino 21 Bedford Street btwn 6th Ave & Downing

Dear Guys,

One dollar bills add up quick.

Watch out.
Thanks for the tip, "Patrick."
iSpend & iSave

Dear Guys,

Two of our readers, we'll call them "Patrick" and "Marshall" to protect their identities, say that our site is too chick-oriented. We're chicks so we don't really care, but we do want you guys to visit our site. Short of posting more Elizabeth Cotton shots we'd like to have content you are interested in. We get a lot of tips from our female readers. Why don't some of you dudes send in your Cheap tricks and we'll post them? You could send in happy hours, or cool places to watch Bears games or ways to get cheap Knicks tickets. Whatever. We're waiting.

iSpend & iSave