Being Citybroke is about perspective. It’s about seeing glitter in the gutter and a sense of humor when life is giving you everything you don’t exactly want and you’re hanging on for a dream that you sometimes can’t remember.
It’s not sales or survival - it’s an electronic letter from the trenches. It’s what suits who make $60K in at age 24 can’t even imagine. It’s Freedom. It’s Poverty. It’s Broken. It’s Beautiful.

Friday, August 22, 2008

¿Dónde Estás Corazón?

The last time iSpend posted was on July 14th. I wish I could say this is because she has been doing some Deep Throat-style investigating into a really great CityBroke post, or she's been stuck in her fifth-floor walk-up in a body cast for the last six weeks. But, alas, I just saw her healthy as a lark the other day.

And, yeah, I realize I've been slacking, too.

iSpend...please come back to us!

Credit Card Extravaganza!

Want a really great time to waste time at work, but improve your financial life? Check out this new site, The guys from LowCards have been kind enough to give us a schmorgusboard of credit card card facts--everything from interest rates to balance transfer fees--to gorge on all day long. And they are savvy enough to put all their info. into what every American likes best--a list! Check out their list of "best" cards for whatever it is you're looking for in a credit card relationship. I am still trying to find the "best credit card to get me a date"....any help here LowCards?